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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cardiovascular Health, Naturally

Today's blog is about the heart, specifically about heart health. The health of this vital organ depends largely on what we eat, drink and do. Our heart is a personal responsibility. The thing is, we could also use a bit of help either from our doctors or from natural products in the health and natural supplements industry because some heart problems develop which we can't control 100%.

When we speak of heart trouble, the vast majority of people think that the heart suffers only one problem, or that there's only one kind of trouble. One thing is clear: when the heart does not receive sufficient blood because the arteries are blocked, then that's when the problems start.The cardiovascular question then is not one question, but several. What I mean is that there are at least six types of heart problems. I'll give a brief description of each:
  • Stroke - There's a heart and brain connection, and when this connection is not in synch, a stroke occurs. Someone gets a stroke when the blood vessels in the brain do not receive adequate oxygen because they are either blocked or impaired. This stroke can either be ischemic (it is a temporary condition usually lasting 24 hours) or permanent (clot or coronary thrombosis).
  • Heart attack - a heart attack develops when the heart cannot pump enough blood for distribution to other parts of the body. Again, this means that basic heart functions are impaired or the heart muscles are damaged.
  • Rheumatic heart disease - children aged between five and 15 years old get this condition when they are exposed to bacteria that cause rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can inflame the body's connective tissues, particularly the heart, joints, brain or skin. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, "about 60% of people with rheumatic fever develop some degree of subsequent heart disease." Rheumatic heart fever is, however, not an exclusively childhood disorder because it can affect adults later in life.
  • Ischemic heart disease - this type of heart disease is prevalent in modern, industrialized societies. Signs of ischemic heart disease are blocked arteries, chest pain or shortness of breath. A total blockage can result, leading to damaged tissues or a heart attack.
  • Peripheral vascular disease - known as PAD. It is a condition that develops when fat deposits accumulate in the arterial walls that impede blood circulation. The arteries leading to some vital organs like the stomach, kidneys and the extremities (hands and feet) are affected. Early symptoms are leg cramps, fatigue or pain in the buttocks during activity. PAD should be detected and treated early because those who are diagnosed with it are subject to a higher risk of death from heart attack and stroke.
  • Congenital heart disease - this occurs at birth. The infant could be born with a hole in the heart affecting circulation. This is usually corrected by surgery. If not treated, this disease can lead to severe disability or death. Some of us mayhave heart problems and not even know it because for some heart conditions, there are no clear warning signs. This is why it is a good idea to have our hearts checked at least once a year. It is even more crucial to have these tests if we've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol.
I care about my heart, so I don't wait for a problem to start. I take natural supplements. Since they are 100% natural, they are more safe than traditional medicatons. Fact is, I'd rather be taking natural supplements than heart medication so I'm doing what I can now to stave off any potential problems.I carefully choose my heart dietary supplements.
The are several natural heart supplements that many people find effective:
I don't think you'll find one product that will provide all the above, but because they're all natural, you can take two or three natural remedies at the same time without problems. For example, if you have high cholesterol, you can choose those supplements that are developed for lowering bad cholesterol and boosting good cholesterol and combine them with antioxidants or a product with all the required vitamins and minerals.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Blood sugar problems such as Type 2 diabetes are becomming rampant in the America and the rest of the world. You must learn about blood sugar to understand how to naturally prevent and help blood sugar problems.
Monosachharides – also known as simple sugars – are sugars in your blood.  As long as your sugar levels are within the normal range, you should be fine.  Your body and brain are "in sync."  But when your sugar levels shoot up, you should start worrying.  When your sugar levels go down significantly, you should also be worried.  Depending on the severity of your sugar levels, your doctor may want to put you on medication that will keep your glucose levels balanced. 
There are two – actually three – conditions associated with blood sugar.  One is hyperglycemia.  It means that you have too much sugar.  Hypoglycemia, on the other hand, means that you don't have enough sugar. 
The third condition – euglycemia – is what we should all strive for.  It means our sugar levels fall within the normal range of 3.5 and 5.5 mmol/liter.  When your sugar level registers below 3.5, you have hypoglycaemia; when it registers above 7.0, you may be diagnosed with hyperglycaemia.  Being hyperglycemic all the time does not bode well for your health.  You could be a candidate for diabetes.
There are times when having low blood sugar is only temporary.  It can be triggered when you've skipped a meal and you feel very hungry.  It can also be triggered when you take certain kinds of medication on an empty stomach.  Generally, hypoglycemia symptoms are not as bad as hyperglycemia symptoms.  Hyperglycemia symptoms range from mild (hunger, sweating, numbness), to moderate (changes in mood, headaches, blurred vision, incoherent speech) to severe (failure to concentrate, prolonged confusion, losing consciousness, and even changes in personality).  
Natural Remedies for Blood Sugar Control
In the past, my blood sugar levels were not always consistent; that's because I lead a hectic life and tend to skip meals or eat on the run.  Or else I binge on sweets and sweet wine during special occasions – and then sugar blood levels go up.  I also noticed that my sugar levels would go up during the holidays.  I know I've overdone it because I feel some of the symptoms mentioned above.
I have always been careful with my blood sugar, though, because the last thing I want to have is diabetes.  What I've done in the last three years is taking natural remedies for hyperglycaemia to keep my glucose levels in check.  I'm extremely satisfied with the dietary supplements I've been taking.  They're all made in the USA so I am assured that the ingredients have been tested and formulated under rigorous lab conditions.
Since natual blood sugar supplements are 100% natural, there is minimal risk of experiencing any side effects often associated with prescription meds.  When looking for natural treatments for blood sugar and type 2 diabetes to stabilize glucose levels, look for products that stimulate proper utilization of insulin.  Also, be on the lookout for supplements that have GTF chromium as an active ingredient.  Chromium is an important factor for glucose tolerance. 
Another great supplement for blood sugar balance is cinnamon bark powder or, cinnamon bark capsules– most of the literature I've read suggests that cinnamon has been recognized as a natural treatment for type II diabetes because it can help lower blood sugar.
Many people have not heard of Gymnema Sylvestre. It has a strange name, but has been shown to help with blood sugar problems.
Whatever supplement you take, you should understand more about Insulin Resistance. Good luck and stay healthy.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Attend by Vaxa - Video Explanation

Attend is the natural ADD remedy by Vaxa. It is a homeopathic medicinal that helps adults or children with ADD or ADHD. Here, Leslie explains the benefits of Attend.